
The Crisis Research Project is not a closed group and we are always keen for others to join in. If you want to participate, just send us an email and we will consider a collaboration. Our simple rules are:

For proper teamwork, you need to interact with the group and the material already present and you have to be skilled in at least one field of research that strives beyond traditional Blockchains. In fact you must be open to rethink the whole idea, from what we all have learned in 10 years of Blockchain. However the project is not restricted to tech-research and experts from very different specialist fields, like political economy, are very welcome.

We will ask you to leave if what you are doing has little connection with what the rest of the group is doing and if it is interfering with others trying to do their work. You should see decentralization as an opportunity not as a threat. Asking you to leave, is of course unpleasant, since most people who come to contribute do so with honorable intentions. However experience indicates that full decentralization and leaderless-ness is something most human minds have a hard time to digest.

The Crisis research project is part of the larger cCoin movement, which operates under a creative common license and the GPL for code developed. There is no delivery pressure and we are not in a rush. You need to respect that. We are not here to give your closed minded, for-profit company the tools to thrive on our achievements. If you want to make profit from our ideas, the time will come for you to be a miner, or to build a thriving ecosystem around the technology. However the protocol layer itself needs to stay uncommitted to any person, or legal entity whatsoever. This is essentially the only way to reach uncompromising decentralization, which in turn is the only way to withstand the pressure of the old hierarchies in the long run.

Of course everyone needs to make a living. This goes without saying. However some things are just more important then any individual desire to get rich. If you don't understand this truly, protocol level is just not the right place for you. So don't waste our time. We have learned to spot you.